Flourish Financially with Kathy Longo
Weekly insights to help you feel financially fulfilled and emotionally empowered
2 months ago

Getting Unstuck When the New Year Feels Like the Same Old

This time of year, we hear a lot of messaging about the promise and opportunity of a new year and a feeling of hope that we can change our lives for the better. But, what if you’re at a place in life where a new year doesn’t mean those things to you? What if you’re feeling stuck where you are and you aren’t sure how to move forward? In this episode, I want to set aside the idea that you need to be charging toward big goals and ambitions right now, and focus instead on five simpler things you can do if you need to get “unstuck” from your current circumstances or mindset.

For more information about Kathy, her firm, and the valuable services they offer, visit www.flourishwealthmanagement.com.

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